Change in the conditions of participation for the skills development programme

Since the winter semester 2023/24, participation in the skills development programme will only be possible for members of the Graduate Academy Leipzig.

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Current Workshops

When you register for a workshop at the Graduate Academy Leipzig, you accept the conditions for participation that are included in the information section.

to, 09:30 to 17:00

Bewerbungstraining für Wissenschaftler:innen

In diesem Training erlernen Sie grundlegendes und anschauliches Know-How für alle Stufen eines Bewerbungsverfahrens. Sie entwickeln eine persönliche Strategie für Ihre Bewerbungsvorhaben und bereiten sich durch praktische Übungen optimal auf Bewerbungsprozesse vor.

to, 09:00 to 17:00

Thesis Defense Training

Optimally prepare for your thesis defense and practice your introductory presentation.

to, 09:00 to 16:00

Data Science with R: Intermediate

In this two-day workshop participants will build on their introductory knowledge of the statistical programming environment R. The course is intended for people who have participated in the Graduate Academy Leipzig's class "Data Science with R: Introduction".

to, 09:00 to 15:00

Meine Karriereziele: selbstbewusst entwickeln, umsetzen und präsentieren!

Der (wissenschaftlichen) Karriere positiv entgegensehen und anhand einer individuellen Analyse der eigenen Biographie die nächsten Ziele entwickeln, umsetzen und präsentieren.


Harnessing LinkedIn's Potential for Career Success

Improve your profile, be visible to recruiters, and use LinkedIn’s Big Data in your favor.


How to write a competitive ERC proposal

The workshop will give the participants an overview over the ERC funding programme and will provide them background knowledge, hints and tips on how to develop a competitive ERC Grant and will give them an insight into the evaluation process.

Further Information & News

Please note the information for participating in our workshop programme. Sign up for our monthly newsletter and follow us on Twitter and Instagram!


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Skills Development at the Graduate Academy Leipzig

Wächterstraße 30
04107 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-37184
Telefax: +49 341 97-30239