We offer our members free on-site childcare during scientific events so that it is easier for them to balance family life and doctoral research. In addition, we work with childcare providers who offer regular childcare.
Only members of the Graduate Academy Leipzig can use the childcare services.
Register online as a member
Flexible Childcare Services
In cooperation with the Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs at Leipzig University, we offer our members free childcare for the duration of scientific events. Depending on the venue, childcare is provided either on the premises of the Graduate Academy Leipzig or at the parents' home. Participation in online events can also be supported by childcare, which then also takes place at the parents' home.
Please inform us of your wish for childcare, including the age of your child or children, via email when registering for an event, but at least two weeks before the start of the event.
To offer childcare, we cooperate with the childcare referral agency Mittagskind. All childminders have undergone childcare training and possess an emergency card (Nothilfepass) and a certificate of conduct (polizeiliches Führungszeugnis).
Regular Childcare
In cooperation with the Department for Equality, Diversity and Family at the University, we also offer our members regular childcare for children up to three years of age. If you are interested, please complete the registration form (as PDF or directly online) and send it to the Department for Equality, Diversity and Family.
We work with three childminders who have a total of 15 childcare places available from Monday to Friday between the hours of 8 am and 4 pm.
The childminders are subject to the regulations outlined by the Jugendamt (Department of children and family services) and are regularly evaluated by the Jugendamt and other responsible bodies. The costs are based on the rates set by the city of Leipzig (website in German).
Our childminders
Our childminders introduce themselves here. If you are interested in a childcare place, please use the registration form.
Children need children, whether as playmates, training partners or accomplices.
The individual, needs-oriented care in a small group with a fixed caregiver within the framework of child day care is ideally suited for this.
My name is Ursula Krüger, I have been a qualified day care worker since 2009 and looking after up to five children aged zero to three years.
In principle, I work according to the Saxon educational plan (SGB VIII). I firmly believe that learning is only possible when hunger is satisfied, the nappy is clean and the child is healthy. This is because our body, with its senses, provides access to the world and self-awareness, and it can only perceive these when basic needs are satisfied (still). The same applies to the emotional needs of the child. A child who is securely attached, who feels in safe hands and accepted is more likely to open up to new experiences than a fearful, insecure child. This is where the settling in process in day care and a smooth cooperation with the parents play an outstanding role!
Furthermore, the promotion of independence as well as the development of the child's self-confidence and self-esteem are a fundamental focus of my work. Only those who are at peace with themselves, who feel respected and accepted with their strengths and weaknesses, can also approach others and stand up for others. Of course, the acquisition of language is the basis for a functioning cooperation. It is important to me to pick up the child where they are in their personal development and offer help for them to help themselves.
Focus on sustainability
Another focus of my work is the topic of sustainability. Sustainability is written in capital letters at the Unizwerge. It starts with the fact that we sort waste conscientiously, organic waste ends up in the compost in the garden, we use flannels instead of wet wipes and I consistently work with cloth nappies.
Cloth nappies not only save money and resources, their use also avoids waste. Especially when you consider that in early childhood care facilities - without exaggerating - tons of nappy waste are produced every year and here a rethink in terms of sustainability can be particularly effective in my eyes.
Opening hours: 8 am - 4 pm
That's me
Professionally, I worked as a children's nurse in a hospital for several years. Since 2006, I have furthered my education and have been looking after children aged 0 to 3 years in my rented rooms. I was happy to become a day care mum and I still stand by my decision. I enjoy organising the daily routine together with the children and seeing how they develop. I am a mother of a grown-up daughter and my son will soon finish primary school.
This is how I work
As none of the children are the same as the other, I attach great importance to perceiving each child with its own personality. I feel this is particularly important because it is one of the reasons that the little ones feel secure in the group throughout the day.
In the mornings, there are different activities according to the children's stage of development and interests. We paint, knead, glue, cut, make music, look at books ... and of course play a lot! There is enough space in my childcare flat for romping (in the extra gym), resting, playing, being creative and eating.
From about 9:30 am we spend time in the fresh air. We go for a walk in the Peace Park, the Botanical Garden or in the surrounding area. After lunch we take a break of around one hour. Just as the children like it, they sleep or rest on the mattress or in the cot. After snack and a little playtime, our day together ends.
Opening hours: 8 am - 4 pm
My name is Shakila Kirchbach and I have been working as a childminder since May 2013.
The specially rented 3-room flat where the childcare takes place is located in the Zentrum-Südost district of Leipzig, surrounded by spacious green areas. Several playgrounds and the Friedenspark with a large children's playground are within walking distance.
In the following points, I would like to present my idea of education and support for children.
Day care offers the children a protected setting in a small group. As a childminder, I can give them a lot of individual attention, accompany and encourage them. The focus of my work as a childminder is the free and fun play of the children, leaving the individual child the freedom to realise their respective intentions and possibilities within the scope of their abilities.
Supporting the child's development, personality, abilities and interests are of great importance to me in my work.
In doing so, I pay particular attention to the following focal points:
- Respectful interaction with the children
- Recognising and responding to the individual needs of the child
- Recognising the child's intellectual abilities and supporting them individually
- Encouraging the development of the child's social skills within the group process.
- Play, fun and enjoyment during care time
Every child with his or her peculiarities, characteristics is welcome, no matter what colour.
Opening hours: 8 am - 4 pm