Essential Skills for Early Career Researchers

The workshops at the Graduate Academy Leipzig are divided into four categories so that you can find the ones that are best for you. Each one focuses on specific skill areas that are important for your career portfolio as an early career researcher.

Research and Integrity

This area is at the core of our commitment to skills development. We want to offer research-related workshops that equip early career researchers with the particular skills they need to work in academia, along with their subject-specific expertise. A focus of this topic area is research integrity and as such there are offerings related to aspects like research data management, good scientific practice, and third-party funding applications.

Workshop topics from this skills area:

  • Data Science
  • Improved Reading
  • Good Scientific Practice
  • Academic Writing
  • Research Data Management
  • Thesis Defense Training
  • Possibilities for third-party funding

An introduction to the topic of "Good Scientific Practice" is also provided by our eLearning course "Good Scientific Practice in Doctoral Studies".

Career Development

Developing a profile and recognising your own strengths and weaknesses can help you to identify and actively implement concrete steps towards the career you want. Our offerings are designed to help you find and follow your career path, no matter if you are pursuing a career in or outside of academia or if you are still undecided.

Workshop topics from this skills area:

  • Bewerbungstraining
  • Job search on the non-academic labour market
  • Einstieg ins Wissenschaftsmanagement
  • Karriereziele (in der Wissenschaft) entwickeln, umsetzen und präsentieren

Leadership and Management

A doctoral dissertation, Habilitation and a research project are all extensive projects that require organisational skills as well as a structured approach, good project and time management, and the right balance of work and leisure time. In our workshops, you will also learn to coordinate and lead teams and research groups.

Workshop topics from this skills area:

  • Führungskräftetraining
  • BWL kompakt für Promovierende und Postdocs
  • Finish it! How to Finalise your Dissertation
  • Effizientes Zeit- und Selbstmanagement in der Wissenschaft
  • Ich mache das…JETZT! Prokrastination überwinden

Communication and Creativity

Successfully communicating with experts in your field and the wider public and effectively presenting and publishing your own work are among the key skills required for a successful career in academia and beyond. Our offerings in this skill area are also designed to help you stimulate your creative processes, work in an interdisciplinary manner and improve your productivity.

Workshop topics from this skills area:

  • Körper, Stimme und Sprechen - Sicheres, verbindliches und souveränes Auftreten
  • Design Basics for Scientists / Designing Effective Academic Posters
  • Entscheidungen souverän treffen
  • Science Communication on Social Media
  • Kreative Methoden zur Unterstützung inter- und transdisziplinären Arbeitens
  • Building a constructive relationship with the supervisor

Workshops and Seminars

Our programme of workshops and events provides you with the opportunity to develop your interdisciplinary skills. With our offerings, we want to support you in your research project and help you prepare for your career, whether that be in or outside of academia.


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Skills Development at the Graduate Academy Leipzig

Wächterstraße 30
04107 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-37184
Telefax: +49 341 97-30239